Refreshing Bedroom Ideas for Young Women

If this is your first shot at decorating your own bedroom as an adult, then you may be understandably flustered about bedroom ideas for women. That’s okay. Just start thinking about what styles you really like and the ideas will begin to come to you. Here are a few suggestions to help you out:



As a young woman you probably want your bedroom to have a fresh and cheerful mood to it. But you realize that it has to reflect your relatively new standing as an adult and not the preferences of a teenager or young girl. Yet, you still feel like a girl at times and your want your room to show that side of yourself as well. There’s nothing wrong with that. You just need to find the balance between the two. Now to start off with your bedroom ideas for women, let’s choose a color for your walls. When you were a girl you probably favored pastel colors such as pink, light blue, etc. Now it’s time for something more dramatic, like green or orange. These colors don’t have to be loud and blinding, they can be toned down too, only they won’t lose so much of their vibrancy. Some simple but contemporary furniture that won’t clutter up the space. If there’s a storage problem, and what young woman doesn’t have one, then a storage chest might be the solution to your dilemma.


Personal Touches

Now it’s easy to recommend that a young woman do this or that when she decides to redo her bedroom. Everyone she meets is just full of bedroom ideas for women, and while it pays to be attentive and not just dismiss everything you’re told, you also know that you want your new bedroom to reflect your personal character and taste, not just to look pretty. So don’t hesitate to add those little touches that will make the room really and truly yours. If you like plants, put several of them about the room and enjoy their beauty. Let the art on the walls speak about who you are too. From the pictures to the hand made items you learned in craft class, incorporate these things into the room freely. Heck, there’s even room for a couple of those favorite stuffed animals you still love from your girlhood. And you don’t have to be embarrassed about them or answer to anyone. That’s really the most important part of bedroom ideas for women. The fact that you get to do exactly what you want. It’s your room and you are the one person above all that has to like it.

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